Please note that this software, while already rich in features and stable, is still work in progress and documentation is limited.
Main Window
This is where you make your QSOs. Select a signal in the waterfall and watch the output in the upper area of the window. Type your answer in the smaller text area just above the waterfall - use your macros as needed, you can also edit macros once they have been placed in the input area.
Just above the waterfall you have mode selection, and for each mode parameter selection (in this case for PSK you can choose between PSK31, PSK63 and PSK125). Next is WS (wide band search, enable if selecting a signal in the waterfall does not work reliably), MD (Mode detection, this does not work really well yet, but give it a try to let the computer figure out if the selected signal is PSK31, PSK63 or PSK125), and last LCK to lock AFC in pauses (recommended to have this enabled).
Then, further to the right you have squelch selection (the slider) and signal strength display on the selected frequency. As soon the signal strength exceeds the squelch setting, decoding starts).
More on the right, you have display for CAT interface (red = not connected, green = connected), PTT, AFC (automatic frequency correction, only available in PSK and green when locked on a frequency), SQL (green when squelch is open), SYN (green when decoding works reliably), MON (green when monitor is enabled, red when monitoring device is not available). Then comes input and output status display and level selection. Please make sure to set the input level so that the bar graph display next to it stays in the green to orange range and set your output level according to your radio's ALC requirements to produce a clean, strong signal without splatter.
In the status bar of the main window you see propagation conditions for the current time (click on the sun/moon icon to toggle between day and night). With the sliders you can select the width of the waterfall, the color theme of the waterfall, the signal smoothing of the waterfall and the contrast of the waterfall.
On the left side you have quicklog and variables. Quicklog will add information as you progress in your QSO. Please adjust the other information as needed (like band, contest etc.). These values will be copied for the next QSO.
In variables you see the definitions of variables that can be used in macros. You may define your own variables.
Log Window
All QSOs logged in the quicklog area in the main window or logged automatically by a macro will be visible here. Edit as needed, export to ADIF or import other QSOs from ADIF.
Upload to and eQSL.
Click through the different tabs of the preferences window to set your preferences.
Set your input and output devices and the channels to be used (left, right, both). Monitor, when enabled in the main window, will copy the input/output signal to the selected device. This allows you to hear what is going on without additional external hardware.
Only used to key PTT with RTS and/or DTS signal. No CAT control of the transceiver.
Manage your macros. Add/delete/edit macros, group them. Drag variable tokens into the text field from the right side. Please note that certain tokens can only be used once and will appear at a specified place (e.g. CLEAR will always be in the first place, RX and LOG always at the end). Blue tokens are predefined variables (some can be edited in the variables tab in the main window), black tokens are control tokens to start/stop transceiver, log QSO, repeat and conditional tokens. Green are user defined tokens.
Add your and eQSL credentials for address lookup and log upload.
Swiss Engineered